Despite the widespread mineral, anglesite crystals are rare and highly prized by collectors. Mineral deposits typical of the lead, owe their name to the island of Anglesey (Wales, UK), which was first discovered. APPEARANCE Anglesite - secondary mineral oxidation zone of lead deposits containing galena. It is usually formed during the oxidation of galena and is associated with cerussite and other secondary minerals of lead. The crystals of anglesite have a pyramidal shape with a large number of vertical grooves. Bipyramidal crystals are more common, taking a flat shape. Anglesite almost always white, but come across instances of the earthy, yellow, light orange or green. Some crystals may have a darker shade due to the presence of galena. Rare green crystals of the most valuable is explained by the presence of nickel ions. Because this species replaces the other minerals, lead, and she replaced them, it's easy to confuse with fosgenitom, cerussite, and shtoltsitom. The crystals are isolated, represented by irregular groups or parallel formations (one next to another). Although the crystal size is typically a few millimeters, there are exceptions, reaching lengths of more than 15 centimeters. FORM AND COLOR Well formed crystals of anglesite, with saturated color, most prized by collectors. The best crystals - After years of drought in Tuissite (northeastern Morocco) there were magnificent crystal anglesite, exceeded 25 centimeters in length. At first they took for the crystals of cerussite. - One of the best crystals of anglesite domarrokanskogo period was taken in Tsumeb (Namibia). It is stored in the Smithsonian Institute (Washington) and is an excellent dvuhkonechny yellow crystal measuring 1 inch in the parent material. A deep analysis in the eighties, revealed that it is an instance shtoltsita. even more rare mineral. Lead Ore Extracted from anglesite lead is used in various industries. However, in no less interesting for its mineral rich crystals of unusual color. TOYS ... AND NOT ONLY On the right you can see mine production of zinc, lead and silver. Lead is used by humans for a variety of products - from bullets to toys such as placed at the top of the page. Did you know that ... - In the esoteric anglesite give amazing properties. It is said that he develops sensitivity, courtesy, gentleness, and promotes relaxation. In addition, it is used for evocation. It is also believed that anglesite helps turn dreams into reality Along with galena and anglesite cerussite is one of the main varieties of ores and is used in the manufacture of battery plates and wire. In addition, in the defense industry anglesite used for the manufacture of ammunition, and in the paint - to create colors. Demanding market Dealers and collectors of minerals around the world appreciate the rare, well-formed crystals with a saturated color (yellow, green or orange), and crystals, accompanied by other minerals (such as cerussite, azurite and calcite). THE STORY OF A COUNTERFEIT Demand for the crystals was so high that they even tried to forge. Here are some amusing incident took place in Morocco. Once miners and distributors anglesite specimens found washed before they are sold. And someone came up with a great idea - clean lye crystals to achieve a better result. To my surprise, a lucky find that crystals of anglesite purchased a beautiful yellow-orange color. Soon, the market appeared unusual instances of anglesite, come true at exorbitant prices. Later, the fraud was discovered: accidentally crashed inside the crystals were colorless. Recognize the imitation was not immediately apparent. It was later revealed that the crystals treated with alkali, formed on the surface light milky haze. Where found anglesite Classic anglesite crystals are produced in various European deposits on the island of Anglesey (UK) on the island of Sardinia (Italy) and in Berezovsky (Russian Federation). However, the best examples of rich yellow color imported from Tsumeb (Namibia) and Tuissita (s Ohud, Morocco). In Spain, good crystals are mined in the city of Linares, a Catalonia are very expensive and rare crystals of green swarovsky
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