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About Stone variscite

Known to man for millennia, now transformed into variscite rare and forgotten gem, interesting only to collectors.

Crystal system - orthorhombic
Hardness - 4-4.5
The fracture - conchoidal
Cleavage - Shine
Streak - White

Variscite got its name from the name of the district variscite (now Vogt-land) in Saxony, where he was first discovered and described in 1837.


Varistsita crystals are very rare and small in size. Variscite occurs as nodules, nodules, nodular aggregates of ore of different colors. The most common and least valuable specimens of white. The most popular color is the mineral of various colors ranging from green to blue, often with black or white streaks or orange spots.

Handling Precautions

Variscite requires very careful handling because of its formula contains two molecules of water, then disappear when overheat. The mineral is exposed to active acids, but it can be cleaned by conventional cleaning agents.
In varistsita is a variety which is called amatriks. However, it is not recognized by the International Mineralogical Association. These are small entities, which are interspersed with thin layers varistsita, quartz and chalcedony. These samples are more firmly, and after processing - brilliantly.

Application varistsita

This mineral has no commercial value and is used in gemology and jewelry as a cheap gem. Normally handled by variscite cabochon or oval and flat forms, emphasizing its color, turn and play of colors that adorn the stone and give it personality.

Did you know that ...
Initially, a mineral called "yutalit" - on behalf of the State of Utah (USA), where it was first found. However, this name in the mineralogy is not used


-Some species varistsita may be similar to turquoise, which is why they are often confused, despite the fact that turquoise is much harder. Such a similarity with Waris turquoise-tsitom allows merchants to sell the second mineral, giving his first. When buying real turquoise should pay attention to the certificate of its formation. Above you can see the variscite-treated (left) and untreated turquoise.

It is an ancient gemstone

Variscite along with turquoise has long been known to man. Find jewelry varistsita made as early as the Neolithic

The oldest fragments of the design and decoration of the varistsita like beads necklaces and similar items were found vmestorozhdenii Gava, located next to Barcelona. It has been found in active development of the Neolithic mine with a complicated structure drifts and signal system. The dating carried out on the detected patterns, possible to establish the approximate date of development: 4500-5000 BC. Oe. This finding confirmed the observation of Pliny the Elder, which he recorded in the first century in his "Natural History". Pliny noted that local people like to adorn themselves with necklaces of green beads, extracted from local mines. The Roman historian also mentioned that these stones were used in trade with neighboring nations.


The miners settled in the mines of the ancient world with a complex system of wells, tunnels and halls with the primitive but highly effective tools. Among other things, they used stone picks, axes, chisels and bone, served to separate the layers of shale varistsita, where he was. Processing varistsita held immediately, almost at the entrance to the mine. The first thing sorted out the highest quality minerals which were grinding with abrasive stones. Perforation of the samples was difficult and sensitive occupation, and was carried out using silicon drills, stronger than variscite.

Active trade

It is known that during the Neolithic varistsitovye necklaces Gavy been the subject of trade exchange: they are found in southern France and Spain, the Ebro valley. In addition, five centuries before our era, they were distributed in mainland Italy, particularly in the Piedmont and Sardinia.

Where found variscite

The best specimens of minerals mined in Utah (USA). In Spain, the provinces of Zamora and Barcelona, ​​also found a decent color and quality of minerals.

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